LDS . org goes Mainstream

A little story about internal research at has been picked up by various news outlets, though it isn’t clear how this will affect the actual project discussed in the report.


  1. I needed some Onion in my diet today. Love leaks. There is a danger to this kind of leak, however. If the Rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this plan, it is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it.

  2. Hey! This makes Christ sound like some kind of corporate CEO in a business suit! Wait… ohhhh.

  3. pmccombs says:

    I want to express my gratitude to the Lord for the fullness of the restoration, particularly that of the Merktresrchidek priesthood, without which this responsible approach to the Second Coming would not have been possible. We truly live in the choicest of dispensations in which the Lord is clearly hastening his work, and I ask, what are we doing to become worthy consumers of this marvelous work and wonder?

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